Clothes Dryers Cause Fires

Clothes Dryers Could Cause Fires: Lint Build-Up Often Overlooked

Clothes Dryers Cause Fires

Fires in dryer exhaust ducts pose a serious risk to consumers. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), there is 15,500 fires annually, 10 deaths and 310 injuries due to dryer exhaust duct fires. These fires result in millions of dollars in property loss. As more homes have clothes dryers and are built of tighter construction, the proper operation of the dryer becomes critical. Dryers are exhausting air from the house while they are in operation. Gas dryers are also venting the products of combustion in addition to the moisture from the clothes. Lint in the exhaust system can easily become fuel as temperatures rise and the duct becomes restrictive. Dryers may be located in an area where they must compete for combustion air with gas-fired water heaters and furnaces or boilers. This can lead to life threatening malfunctions on the part of the heating equipment. Because the dryer duct is usually a 4″ diameter, the slightest amount of deposit can greatly reduce the ability to exhaust. When its starts taking longer to dry the clothes. The problem is not usually the dryer, but rather the exhaust system. Optimum airflow is the key to effective dryer performance. When clothes are given the appropriate amount of air, they dry quicker and are subject to less tumbling. This results in less wear on the clothes and less use of electricity or gas – saving you money.

Whether it’s your home or rental property, we can handle the job. Call us to set up your appointment. 385-503-8676.

Here is a quick story.

Pam noticed smoke coming out of their dryer, as Jim came in the laundry room he saw flames. They were able to get the fire under control withno further damage. Pam and Jim dryer was only 2 years old and they had just cleaned their vents. If you notice the top of your dryer getting hot or that it takes extra-long to dry your clothes, Call an appliance specialist to get everything checked out. Also remember never to leave clothes in the dryer when you are not home.