Improving Your Home’s Air Quality Through Carpet Cleaning

Improving Your Homes Air Quality

Our homes are our havens; they are the place that we truly feel the safest. It’s the place for us to gather, to entertain, to relax, and to just be. Because of this, we want to ensure that our homes are as safe and as secure as possible. On the surface, this means putting in alarm systems and making sure to lock our doors. However, there are certain things we don’t normally think about that can pose a danger to us or need to be presented. They are dangers that we do not see, but are lurking in our homes. That’s where we come in.

Dust bites, molds, pollens, spores, and pesticides are just a sample of the many harmful substances that get into our homes without us realizing it. They fester and make your home, their home. Thus, it’s important to make sure we are getting rid of these pests and not letting them settle in.

“Carpet also acts as a reservoir for dust, dirt, pollen, mold spores, pesticides and other materials which may originate indoors or be brought into the indoor environment from outside. If kept very clean from the time it is installed, carpet can trap a significant amount of particles, which can be removed through regular and effective vacuuming. However, inadequate maintenance can allow large quantities of dust and debris to build up in carpet. Some studies indicate that poorly maintained carpet can release significant quantities of particles into the air during the course of daily activity.”

Environmental Protection Agency

Our carpets are these pests favorite hiding places. It’s warm and comfortable, so they make themselves at home. They cause those living in the home to have allergies, asthma and other prolonged health problems. So how do we get rid of them? Well, there are a few options to keep your house safe from them.

  • Vacuum frequently. Don’t wait long periods of time before vacuuming your carpets, that just let’s them build up and sink in deeper. Make sure to take the time to go over your carpets a few times a month at the very least.
  • Spotting. Make sure to remove spots or stains when they occur. If food or liquid gets onto your carpets, clean up the mess right away so as not to attract or grow more pests.
  • Professional Cleaning. It is recommended by the leading carpet manufacturers that you have your carpets cleaned every 12 to 18 months. This helps to get out the deeper dust, dirt, and debris that piles up over time and cannot be removed by just a vacuum.

The Carpet & Rug Institute states:

“It cannot be over-emphasized that proper cleaning and maintenance is a critical component of any flooring system. To help ensure longer life, maintain appearance, and help protect indoor air quality, carpet requires regular vacuuming with a well-functioning vacuum cleaner equipped with strong suction and a high-performance filtration bag and periodic wet extraction cleaning.”

Make sure your home is safe from unseen pests that settle into your carpets and don’t allow them to make your home theirs as well. By vacuuming and cleaning your carpets annually, you will avoid any harmful substances infiltrating your home.