Top 5 Worst Carpet Stains

There are all kinds of ways carpets can get dirty or get hit with a stain. Whether you accidentally knock over a glass of wine, pets forget to go to the bathroom outside, or even just dropping something on the floor, accidents happen. The best thing you can do is clean up the mess immediately after it happens, some will be harder than others, and sometimes there’s just nothing you can do. The #1 rated carpet cleaning company in Utah, The Carpet Spa by Anchor Restoration, has provided tips for cleaning up all different kinds of stains. You can see these by going to their blog.

Worst Carpet Stains Cleaning

Here are some of the worst stains to get on your carpet, which may provide some insight on what to be careful with.

  • Grape juice / Wine stains: Since grape juice is purple in color, it forms a very deep-colored stain when colliding with carpet. This can be one of the worst stains to ever have on your carpet. Fruit stains are very difficult to remove from the fibers, so it can form a more or less permanent stain on carpets. Red Wine is the same concept, causing immediate damage to the carpet when it touches.
  • Blood stains: If a family member or a guest gets injured, his/her blood is likely to fall on the carpet and form deep red blood stains. Usually in these situations, cleaning up the carpet isn’t the first priority as your attention might be somewhere else. Once the blood has dried, it’s nearly impossible after to that to remove it. If you notice blood on the carpet, try to clean it up immediately without rubbing the stain deeper into the carpet.
  • Coffee stains: When coffee spills on the carpet, it forms horrible yellowish-brown stains over the carpet which can be nearly impossible to clean up.
  • Ink stains: If ink falls on a carpet, a patchy stain is formed immediately on it with the color of the ink fallen over. Ink usually tends to destroy the fibers of the carpet, due to the chemicals present in it therefore causing a permanent stain.
  • Stains from bodily fluids: Once an accident happens, whether it’s from a pet or your kids, you need to act quickly in cleaning it up to prevent permanent damage. Vomit is also another fluid which can leave irremovable stains on the carpet. The best thing to do is clean up the stain as soon as possible to avoid the stain getting deeper into the carpet and drying.

Some of these stains are nearly impossible to remove, however by following the stain removal tips provided in our other blogs, you can limit the chances of it becoming a permanent stain. If it’s still not completely removed, you can call carpet cleaning professionals to see if they can get the stain out for good. In any stain situation, try cleaning the stain immediately after noticing it to lessen the chances of it becoming permanent.