What Health Hazards Are Hiding in Your Carpet

What Health Hazards Are Hiding in Your Carpet?

When was the last time you cleaned your carpet? Just because you’ve wiped away the dirt on a superficial level doesn’t always mean it’s clean.

Your carpet may be home to over millions of germs. Microbiologist Dr. Philip Tierno Jr. says that a carpet can be dirtier than it looks, keeping around 200,000 bacteria per square inch. That’s even dirtier than the toilet in your bathroom. But why are these germs in your carpet in the first place? Anchor Water Damage and Restoration can answer that.

Dead Skin Cells

Dead Skin Cells

According to Tierno, carpets turn into zoological breeding grounds because of the dead cells we unknowingly shed. With 1.5 million skin cells shed per hour for every person, that’s more than enough to serve as food for bacteria. And this does not include the other food matter, allergens, and other particles bacteria can feed on.

Vacuuming these particles is not enough; it cannot reach the bottom of the carpet where most of the bacteria linger. Worse, when you step on your carpet or roll around, you’re disrupting the bacteria’s habitat, causing them to move upwards and more likely make contact with you.

Whatever Your Pets Bring Indoors

You don’t always know where your pet has been. If you allow your pets to go outside, they can carry with them germs and fecal matter they’ve stepped on and leave traces on your carpet. Add the pet fur, dander, and other particles, and having pets can really make your carpet dirty.

In cases where your dog or cat had an accident on your carpet, and you’ve tried to clean it on your own, there is a chance that some fecal matter remains on the carpet. This allows bacteria like E. coli to grow.

Debris from Your Shoes

If you’re one of the 75 percent of people who wear their shoes around the house, your soles may leave traces of whatever it is you’ve stepped on outdoors. If you’ve accidentally stepped on trash, pests, or even fecal matter from both stray animals and humans, you’re leaving bits of it around the house, especially on your carpet.

Don’t wait for sicknesses or allergies to plague you or your family. Keep your carpets clean by practicing clean indoor habits and having your carpet professionally tidied at least once a year.

If you suspect your carpet of having all these health risks, give us a call. Our carpet cleaning providers in Sandy, UT have years of experience and use efficient carpet cleaning methods to solve your woes.

With Anchor Damage and Restoration, you’re getting tried and tested solutions that have satisfied our clients over the years. Contact us today to schedule a free on-site evaluation.