Your carpets are a giant health filter..that need to be emptied

Your Carpets Are A Giant Health Filter..That Need To Be Emptied

It is proven that your carpets act like a giant health filter, capturing dust, dirt, bacteria, pollen, dust mites, their waste, and the bacteria that feed on it!

Like any filter, your carpets become saturated and ineffective over time – creating a need for professional carpet cleaning. It’s not fun (or healthy) to have dirty carpets!

Studies show that vacuuming every day does not kill bacteria embedded in the carpet. Professional carpet cleaning does though. We are THE carpet cleaner of choice!!

The steaming hot water used by professionals kills germs and bacteria that build up in your carpets. Your solution is here! Call US! 385-503-8676

What do we recommend to keep your carpets looking nice?

Clean them sooner than later. Soil buried in your carpets acts like an abrasive, accelerating the wear of the yarns. Vacuum regularly, especially in front of exterior doors where soil accumulates.

We recommend keeping your carpets looking nice with properly performed professional carpet cleaning, even frequent cleaning, if needed. It won’t damage your carpet nor will it cause your carpet to soil more quickly. What causes carpets to soil faster after hot-steam extraction is when the company is not trained properly and too much residue is left behind. We do not have this problem as we are industry certified with the IICRC.

How often should your carpets be cleaned?

At least once per year is recommended by most carpet manufacturers. More frequently if you have pets and/or kids. Your carpet warranty may require a yearly cleaning and carpet protectant re-applied to satisfy their requirements of proper care. (it is like your tires having to be rotated and balanced every 5000 miles to maintain tread wear warranty).