Christmas Tree Fire

How to avoid a Christmas Tree Fire. You go out and pick the best looking tree (those that still do real trees) get it home and decorate it perfectly. Here are a couple of tips to keep that Christmas Tree looking it best and not end up causing a fire in your home.
- When you pick your tree, look for fresh green needles. Brown means dying.
- Water your tree daily.
- You can check the manufacturer’s labels on your lights and decorations to make sure they are flame-retardant.
- Check all your string lights for frayed wires and excessive wear.
- Don’t connect more then 3 strands of light together.
- Keep tree more than 3 feet away from any heat source(fireplace, heater, candles, etc.)
- Make sure your tree isn’t blocking an exit.
- Always turn your lights off before bed or when leaving your home.
- Get rid of the tree when the needles start dropping.
- CHECK YOUR SMOKE ALARM AND MAKE SURE IT IS WORKING. Because no matter how much you do to prevent a fire, they do happen. Your smoke alarm is your back up, make sure its working properly.