Roof Leakage: A Subtle Cause for Water Damage

Water damage can happen in most homes anytime and should warrant your attention. Most problems happen when you fail to resolve them right away. A simple water stain in your ceiling is a clear indicator of roof leakage. That’s your home’s way of saying, “There’s a problem, and you need to act now.”

Our water damage restoration services in Riverton can help undo any damage. But before waiting for the worst to happen, it’s best to act on rook leakage issues now.

Roof Leakage

It Starts with Water Stains

Roof leakage doesn’t start out strong – it begins with a water stain. A simple water stain means there’s a gap or a crack in your roof that needs fixing. So you need to check your roof regularly because chronic roof leakage can do terrible damage to your home. It can severely affect the structure of your attic and turn it into a breeding ground for toxic mold.

Mold could spread throughout the walls, and affect your family’s health and safety. Exposure to the substance could cause respiratory problems, which include wheezing and difficulty in breathing.

A damp attic is also likely to “invite” pests, like termites, which thrive in moist areas. Termites can weaken your home’s structure even further. So what seems like minor stain could turn into a big problem (and expense) when left unchecked.

When you check on your roof for leaks, you prevent not only unsightly stains and structural damage but also the danger of mold and termites.

Timing is the Solution

Checking on your roof is essential because it allows you to identify a problem before it causes any inconvenience or hazard. This way, you’re able to come up with a solution that saves you time and money in the long run.

Here are telltale signs of water damage:

  • Rotting wood structure
  • Dark streaks on the underside of your sub-roofing
  • The musty smell of mold contamination
  • Deteriorating insulation

Take the necessary action right away the moment you notice these signs.

You can repair cracks through caulking and fix loose or damaged shingles (if this is what you use for your roof). You can also make sure that your property has good drainage. Fix any faucet that’s leaking and check your pipes for cracks.

But if the damage is already done, there is still hope for your home.

Quality Restoration Services

Our team can handle any residential and commercial jobs of any scale in Salt Lake City. Our IIRC-certified technicians start the restoration process with an evaluation that tells us the extent of the damage. Once we know what we’re dealing with, we can come up with a timeline and an estimate before creating a plan that will permanently resolve your issue.

Trust our technicians to handle mold infestation, excess moisture from flooding, carpet cleaning, and more. Our team excels in effectively managing deadlines in restoring your house or office to its former state.

Let our water damage specialists give you the round-the-clock protection your property needs. Contact us today.